Free Plan Cache for Stored Procedure
When creating a procedure, you may need to free the plan cache to create a new execution plan as the code changes. Or you may already be experiencing performance issues with a particular procedure and you would like to get a new execution plan based on the user queries.
The following procedure frees the plan cache for a particular procedure that you know has issues:
USE [master] GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[FREECACHEFORPROC] @DatabaseName NVARCHAR(128), @ProcedureName NVARCHAR(128) AS SET NOCOUNT ON; DECLARE @plan_handle varbinary(64); select @plan_handle = plan_handle from sys.dm_exec_procedure_stats where object_name(object_id, database_id) like '%' + @ProcedureName + '%' and database_id = (select dbid FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases where name = @DatabaseName); /* free plan cache */ DBCC FREEPROCCACHE (@plan_handle); /* force recompile */ exec sp_recompile @ProcedureName; GO
dbo.FREECACHEFORPROC @DatabaseName = 'Northwind', @ProcedureName = 'myProc';
Safraz Hosein